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rice flour 米粉。

rice milk

Remove the veins and membrane of the beef , cut horizontally into thin slices . add sweet fermented flour sauce , chilli bean sauce , cooking wine , soy sauce , white sugar , chinese prickly ash powder , chilli powder and rice flour , stir well 牛肉剔去筋膜,橫切薄片,加甜面醬,郫縣豆瓣料酒,醬油,白糖,花椒粉,辣椒粉和炒米粉拌勻

As an example of the dishes with excellent color , good smell , delicious taste and delicate shape , the cooking quality of steamed pork with rice flour depends on its scientific and reasonable compatibility and ingenious cooking methods 摘要粉蒸肉作為色、香、味、形俱佳的菜品典范,取決于科學、合理的配伍和巧妙的烹制方法。

Amylographic viscosity measurements , a physical property of milled rice flour , are important eating and processing quality parameters of rice and are characteristics of the endosperm 摘要白米淀粉糊黏度測定值是稻米食用與加工品質非常重要之介量,屬胚乳性狀。

Southern people often eat tangyuan , a kind of sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice flour having black gingili , peanuts and other nuts in it , sometimes often having meat in it 南方人吃湯圓? ?一種用糯米包上黑芝麻、花生等果餡的甜團子,也有用肉做餡的。

Here , houses are decorated with colorful lanterns , and “ yuanxiao “ , a sweet or savoury fried or boiled dumpling made of glutinous rice flour is eaten 到了燈節,人們用彩色燈籠裝飾房間,并且吃一種甜美可口的用粘米粉制成的炸或者是煮的面團? ? “元宵” 。

Add sweet fermented flour sauce , chilli bean sauce , cooking wine , soy sauce , white sugar , chinese prickly ash powder , chilli powder and rice flour , stir well 牛肉剔去筋膜,橫切薄片,加甜面醬,郫縣豆瓣料酒,醬油,白糖,花椒粉,辣椒粉和炒米粉拌勻

Dumplings are made of glutinous rice flour with stuffed fillings such as meat , strawberry jam , sesame etc . it can be boiled or fried 元宵是用粘米面做的,里邊有餡,有肉餡,草莓醬,芝麻等。可以水煮,也可以油炸。

Suitable for the automatic packing of milk powder , rice flour , milk tea powder , protein , amylum , sauce and such kind of powder materials 適用于奶粉、面粉、奶茶粉、蛋白粉、淀粉、調味料等粉狀物料的自動送料提升。

Whip together the evaporated milk , egg , oil and sugar in a mixing bowl . sift in glutinuous rice flour and baking powder and blend thoroughly 將淡奶,雞蛋,葵花籽油以及白砂糖攪拌均勻后,篩入糯米粉和烤粉拌勻。

A genetic study on amylographic viscosity measurements of milled rice flour by means of diallel graph was conducted 本研究利用全互交遺傳圖析進行白米淀粉糊黏度測定值之遺傳分析。

Basically , they are balls made from glutinous rice flour , stuffed with any number of things and cooked in a soup 基本上,元宵是由糯米包各種餡,然后放在湯里面煮成的。

Avoid using foods that are too sticky , like glutinous rice flour dumplings and chinese new year cake 避免質地會黏附口腔的食物如糯米、湯丸、年糕等。

40g fried rice flour 炒米粉40克

Steamed beef in rice flour 原籠粉蒸牛肉

Saute beef in rice flour rolls 滑牛肉粉卷

Rice flour coated beef steamed 原籠粉蒸牛肉

Steamed beef with glutinous rice flour 米粉蒸牛肉

Pork steamed with rice flour in lotus leaves 荷葉米粉蒸肉